A short movie of this console mod:/video/BV16M4y1j7XN
Introduction and instruction of this console mod[collection]:/video/BV1mW4y1f7wh
Brief introduction:
This is a console mod with lots of extra functions. To play this mod, you need to disable Isaac's official console in the '' file. After entering the game, change your keys fullscreen [F], mute [M], pause [P] to [F9], [F10], [F11] to ensure that you can successfully get access to the all functions of the mod.
Brief instructons of the mod will be showed below. For details of the specific console functions, you can watch my video in bilibili. My id is 'enthusiasmgame'. The 5-minute-long promotional video id in blibili is 'BV16M4y1j7XN'. The effects of this mod in video will be more intuitive and easier to understand~
If you have any questions, please leave a message in the discussion forum. Wish you have a good game in the mod.
Key introduction:
Console basic keys:
[`] open the console(no delay)(which means you can immediately hit quick command, close the console or perform other actions)
[Enter/KpEnter] close the console when input is empty(no delay)
[Esc] close the console
[Ins] open/close debug text display [default on]
[LCtrl/RCtrl] informational texts next/last page or result boxs scroll up/down (informational texts does not support shortcut keys. The concept of 'result box' and 'shortcut keys' will be mentioned later)
[RAlt] switch the language display in the result box to [Chinese/English]
[Tab] switch the input language to [Chinese/English]
input or display keys: ([any char key], [Left], [Right], [Backspace], [Delete] support long-pressed action to enter the quick mode)
[any char key] input a char into the input box
[Left] cursor left by one in the input box
[Right] cursor right by one in the input box
[Backspace] delete a char at the cursor position in the input box
[Delete] delete a char at the cursor position pre in the input box preceding from the right side
[Home] move the cursor to the beginning of the input box
[End] move the cursor to the end of the input box
[Up] jump to the last command in the input box
[Down] jump to the next command in the input box
[PgUp/PgDn] display box scroll up/down
[Enter/KpEnter] enter the current command
[Space] choose the first character option in the Chinese input mode
[Num1-9] choose the 1st-9th character option in the Chinese input mode
shortcut keys:
[LAlt]+[Num1-9] immediately execute the 1st-9th action in the result box(when action exists)
[LAlt]+[Num0] immediately execute all actions in the result box
function introduction:
You can use [F1-F8] to immediately execute an action or actions:
[F1] emergency Glowing Hourglass(also works when you are dying but not dead[In this time point, hit [F1] will cause the current game file loss, so keep running until you finish the game]) [LAlt+F1] execute the command even if console is off
[F2] swallow trinkets immediately [LAlt+F2] execute the command even if console is off
[F3] blindfolded/remove the blindfold
[F4] keyboard overlay {on/off} [default off]
[F5] test mode (used for debugging or testing) {on/off}
[F6] item quality display {on/off} [Tab] long-pressed to show item quality information [default on]
[F7] ban items from the itempools (including ban single item by its ID or ban all items of one specific quality)
[F8] change player type immediately to a specific player type (including the player types that do not appear in a normal game, like Dead Tainted Lazarus with damage amplification or Tainted Soul)
Except these quick commands, you can execute all commands that can be executed in Isaac's official console, including basic command and lua command. Addtionally, most basic commands here have informational texts of use case and parameter instructons and support further abbreviation forms. Including:
[s]or[stage] teleport the player to a new stage
[g]or[giveitem] give player 1 an item by given id ([g2]or[giveitem2] for Esau)
[r]or[remove] remove player 1's item by given id ([r2]or[remove2] for Esau)
[sp]or[spawn] spawn an entity
[d]or[debug] open/close debug command
[rep]or[repeat] repeat the last successfully executed command for one or multiple times
[cl]or[clear] clear the display box
[res]or[restart] restart the game(with specific player type)
[cha]or[challenge] start a challenge(or start a game with no challenges)
[gs]or[gridspawn] spawn an grid entity
[cos]or[costumetest] costumetest
[cur]or[curse] add addtional curse to the game(including the curse in challenge 10)
[go]or[goto] teleport the player to a specific room
[rew]or[rewind] rewind to the state in the last room
[cut]or[cutscene] play a specific cutscene
Other basic commands can also be executed but have no informational texts of use case or parameter instructons and do not support further abbreviation forms. Including, but not limited to:
[seed] start a game with specific seed
[luamod] reload '' file of a mod
Frequently used basic commands supports search function. All search-function-supported commands are allowed to be immediately executed with shortcut keys: [LAlt]+[Num1-9], [LAlt]+[Num0]
There are four search mode: index search, name search, label search, conditional search. Index search can only be used individually, while name, label and conditional search can be combined.
Commands that support index search:
[s] or [stage]
[sp 5] or [spawn 5] (all sub commands)
[sp 6] or [spawn 6]
[g c] or [giveitem c] or [g2 c] or [giveitem2 c]
[g t] or [giveitem t] or [g2 t] or [giveitem2 t]
[g T] or [giveitem T] or [g2 T] or [giveitem2 T]
[g k] or [giveitem k] or [g2 k] or [giveitem2 k]
[g p] or [giveitem p] or [g2 p] or [giveitem2 p]
[g P] or [giveitem P] or [g2 P] or [giveitem2 P]
[r c] or [remove c] or [r2 c] or [remove2 c]
[r t] or [remove t] or [r2 t] or [remove2 t]
Commands that support name, label and conditional search:
[sp] or [spawn]
[g] or [giveitem] or [g2] or [giveitem2]
[r] or [remove] or [r2] or [remove2]
Besides, two more extra commands are supported in this mod: (In the following lines I will only list the abbreviation form of commands. Their whole forms are also supported)
[sp .[id]+] spawn the golden version of a trinket by given id (Here [id] is an optional parameter)
[g c-[id]] or [g2 c-[id]] give the player an error item by given id (Item quality display[F6] will tell the id of error items. long-press [Tab] to show item quality information)
[r c-[id]] or [r2 c-[id]] remove the player's error item by given id (Item quality display[F6] will tell the id of error items. long-press [Tab] to show item quality information)
Search mode introduction: (English letters are case-insensitive.)
Index search: (format: [id])
Match the result id from the beginning of it (which means you can not get an item with id 562 by "sp " input). Index search doesn't require exact match.
Name search: (format: [name])
Match the result name from any index of it. Support Chinese character as input. Name search doesn't require exact match.
label search: (format: [#][label name])
Match the result label from the beginning of it (which means you can not get an "ultraSecret" labelled item by "g #secret" input). Label search doesn't require exact match.
conditional search: (format: [$][condition name][:][value])
Match the result condition name from the beginning of it. The condition name doesn't require exact match. But the value must be the exactly same value of that condition.
Input words can be combined and language mixing is supported in combination.
: [sp $q:4 #ang] Match all items with both 'angel' label and quality 4 (You can hit [LAlt]+[Num0] to spawn them all immediately.)
: [g #bos #dam th] Match all items with both 'boss' label and 'damage' label and 'th' appears in the item's name.
: [r #dev 宝 #攻 $q:2] Match all items with 'devil' label, '攻击力' label and quality 2 and '宝' appears in the item's name
List of label names: (Chinese/English)
List of condition name and its possible value:
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 6 12
1 6 12 30 64 70 90 110 180 200 250 300 450 900 100000
timed special
10 99
1 2
Fixed the problem of wrong informational texts in greed mode by command [s] or [stage].
Added search mode support for command [s] or [stage] in both Chinese and English.
Adjusted the order of 15 pinyin results in Chinese input mode.
Fixed an issue where certain weapons wouldn't retract while blindfolded, such as Moms Knife, Bone Club and Sumptorium.
Added search mode support for command [sp 6] or [spawn 6] in both Chinese and English.
Fixed an issue where "sp .[id]+" or "spawn .[id]+" can not be displayed in the input box.
Added colored text display for [F6] (It was white previously.)
Fixed the issue that '非店主' label can not be searched.
Fixed the issue that 'chargetype' condition had an unexpected value.
Replaced the 'familiars' label for five trinkets to 'familiar' to align with the 'familiar' label for collectibles.
Replaced the 'lucks' label for a trinket to 'luck' to align with the 'luck' label for collectibles.
Adjusted the order of one pinyin result in Chinese input mode.
Resolved an issue where the [rep] or [repeat] command did not produce the expected effects.
Resolved an issue where the [LAlt]+[F1] or [LAlt]+[F2] command can be taken account in the console-display-remain state when game is paused.